Join Us and Dr. Jeff Schoenau to learn more about soil health and amendments in Western Canada.
Soil organic carbon, which makes up most of the organic matter in soil, is key to keeping our soils fertile and productive. Over the years, a lot of this valuable carbon has been lost from soils as we moved from natural landscapes to crop and pasture lands. Putting carbon back into the soil can help boost its productivity and protect it against weather extremes.
Humic products are widely marketed to growers for their ability to increase nutrient uptake and improve soil health. Is this true for Prairie growers and will you see yield improvements in your fields?
Join Us and Dr. Ross McKenzie to cultivate your soil and fertilizer knowledge. Learn about soil fertility indicators, interpreting soil tests, fertilizers and fertilizer management to get the best value for your amendment dollars. With over 50 years of experience Dr. McKenzie is sure to grow your soil and fertilizer IQ.
Large herbivores like buffalo and elk were the keystone species within the development of our grassland ecosystems. Fast forward to 2024, cattle are largely the keystone species to maintaining our grasslands.
The BC Living Lab Cattle & Forage project hosted a Winter Webinar Series "Extended Grazing Practices: Will They Work for You?" during January and February 2024. This is a recording of the third webinar, "Grazing Standing Corn" hosted on February 13, 2024.
The BC Living Lab Cattle & Forage project hosted a Winter Webinar Series "Extended Grazing Practices: Will They Work for You?" during January and February 2024. This is a recording of the second webinar, "Bale Grazing: Is this a Practice That Will Work on Your Ranch?" hosted on February 6, 2024.
Join Us to learn more about the soil on your operation. Soil health, soil tests and how to use them as well as common soil challenges. Dr. Ross McKenzie is a retired agronomist with over 50 years of experience in soil health and agriculture in western Canada.
Join Us and Kathy Larson to learn more about record keeping and how it can be used to determine the value of beneficial management practices on your operation.
Join Us and the ALUS Team at Red Deer County, to learn more about the watering systems producers are using for grazing success. Get ideas, tips and tricks for systems using different types water sources and learn more about how to extend grazing days with winter water systems. We’ll also cover funding sources to help you cover the costs with your water projects this year (2024).
Dr. Ryan’s presentation will look at the biology of elk and the many different ways they can cause problems on farms and ranches, including grazing on livestock pasture, damage to hay bales and standing crops and fences, as well as disease transmission risks.
Meet our partner - Dr Edward Bork from the University of Alberta. Join us in this video to learn more about how the Alberta AgriSystems Living Lab will measure the impacts of AMP grazing (a beneficial management practice) here in Alberta.
Alberta AgriSystems Living Lab presents Mattheis Ranch manager Marcel Busz with some of his practical approaches to rotational grazing. Learn about practical 'hands on' ways you can apply rotational grazing to your grass.
Join us and Dr. Tim McAllister to learn more about the value of 'Nature based Solutions' and their limitations. Where can producers and management choices fit into the complex solutions and systems.
Meet two of our producers who are exploring the possibilities of AMP or Adaptive Multipaddock Grazing on their operation.
Wondering about Hairy Vetch? Embracing Brassicas? Considering a polyculture? Drought got you down, to some feed alternatives?