
Grazing Beyond Climate Change with Dr. Tim McAllister

Large herbivores like buffalo and elk were the keystone species within the development of our grassland ecosystems. Fast forward to 2024, cattle are largely the keystone species to maintaining our grasslands. Proper grazing management with cattle can enhance biodiversity, reduce the severity of fire, promote carbon sequestration and conserve carbon stores in our grassland soils. Above all, saving and the grazing of grasslands preserves this highly threatened ecosystem for a myriad of species including wildlife, birds, insects and soil microorganisms which are the building blocks of complex food webs. To achieve these goals, grazing practices must be aligned with the environmental and climatic challenges facing grasslands. Dr. McAllister will discuss how grazing practices with cattle can sustain grasslands in a manner similar to that of the wild buffalo that directed the evolution of this ecosystem over thousands of years.


Soils 102 with Dr. Ross McKenzie.


Standing Corn Grazing. Cattle & Forage Winter Webinar Series: BC Living Lab